His Character is “Very Good”

There were more than 7,052 men of the C.E.F. and Royal Newfoundland Regiment with the surname SMITH. This is the story of one of them. Percy Smith was a farmer who worked at the Havelock Farm in the Woodstock, Ontario area. He joined 168th Battalion in May 1917 and by September 1917 he was assigned... Continue Reading →

Training Mistake Wounds 18th Battalion Soldier

Private James Abercrombie, reg no. 123978 enlisted in Chatham, Ontario at the age of 19 years, 6 months, enlisting with the 70th Overseas Battalion on October 1, 1915. After initial training in Canada he transited the Atlantic via the S.S. Lapland, arriving in England May 5, 1916. Over a month transpired where his whereabouts were... Continue Reading →

The Cost of War

Since the beginning of July approximately 40 Soldiers Pages have been added to the blog. One trend of note is the number of 18th Battalion soldiers that served and were wounded. Canada suffered 138,000 battle casualties. This means 32% of the soldiers that served for Canada in the Canadian Army suffered a wound directly related... Continue Reading →

Lieutenant Ewen McLachlin

During the search for soldiers of the 18th Battalion I found Lieutenant Thayer Vincent Milford a site was found referring to him as belonging to the Western Ontario Regiment on the West Carlton Honour Roll. As I perused the site I noticed an entry for a Lieutenant Ewen McLachlin. Having a connection through relatives to... Continue Reading →

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