Report on Raid: May 28, 1918


No. 1 party of four bombers under Lieut. Sheridan left our trench at N.19.a.71.78, proceeded up old trench to within bombing distance of post located at N.19.73.80, there to await prearranged signal from No. 2 party for starting raid. No. 2 party of 8 Bn. scouts with 2 other parties each of 1 n.c.o. and 4 men (to be left at trench intersections) under Lieut. J.N. MacRae left our lines at N.19.a.84.99 at 11.30 pm & proceeded up old trench to intersection of trenches at N.19.a.88.79. At this point heads of two sentries were seen looking over parapet at entrance of trench. The Scout party got to within 250 feet of barrier when they were seen by sentries who immediately threw bombs which went over the raider’s heads. Lt. MacRae and Scout Sgt. F Manby rushed the barrier, the remainder of the party bombing the post and back up the trench, on climbing the barrier a German was seen dragging another back up the trench and a third running and giving alarm. Unfortunately at this moment our barrage opened up, one shell exploding on parapet in front of patrol and others dropping thickly around causing patrol to retire. Our bombing started at this post, No, party immediately bombed post at N.19.a.73.80 throwing twenty bombs into post and into trench behind, continuous screeching and groaning issued from post but No. 1 party were also prevented from following up by our barrage. Both raiding parties returned to our lines without casualty.

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