Faulkner, John: Service no. 53106

Digitized Service Record

Source: Researching traitor article and was checking soldier database. Found Jack Faulkner 53107 and John (father) at 53106. Father to Lt. Jack Faulkner.


The British War Medal and Victory Medal awarded to 53106 Pte. John Faulkner, 18th Battalion, Canadian Infantry, CEF. He enlisted in London, Ontario on October 26, 1914, just a few days after his son Jack Faulkner (Regimental No. 53107). Maybe he wanted to look out for his son. In any case, his service was cut short due to painful varicose veins of all things. After brief service in France with the 18th Battalion, partly as a cook, he was reassigned to rear area duties.

He was given furlough to Canada in the fall of 1916 and the duty of escorting two mental patients aboard the ship home. Once back in London, it was decided to keep him in Canada on clerical duties with No. 1 Special Service Company. He was discharged as medically unfit on February 8, 1917.

His son’s service was considerably more severe. Serving with the 18th Battalion he received a severe wound to his right arm when an artillery shell exploded in his trench on April 9, 1917 (First day of the famous Canadian attack on Vimy Ridge). He was subsequently decorated with the Belgium Croix de Guerre (London Gazette No. 30792, July 12, 1918). After several months in the hospital, he returned briefly to the Battalion and then was sent to officer cadet training in England. He was commissioned a Temporary Lieutenant on March 24, 1918 and returned to the Battalion on July 22, 1918.

A few weeks later he received a severe shrapnel wound to his left chest, which penetrated and collapsed his lung. At the Casualty Clearing Station he spit up blood for 5 days before they sent him to hospital. There, surgeons removed two pieces of shrapnel and the radiologist noted that his chest cavity was filled with shrapnel “dust”. After several months in hospital, he was transferred back to Canada for further treatment and discharged due to demobilization on July 24, 1919. At the time of discharge he still suffered weakness and pain from his wound, but the authorities were “confident” that he would improve with time.

Source: Harry Abbnik via post at the 18th Battalion Facebook Group.

Source: The London Free Press. October 7, 1916. Via Allan Miller via Facebook.

Secured German Helmet and Other Interesting Souvenirs -Fighting 18th Took Part.

Pte. Jack Faulkner, 18th Battalion, home on sick furlough, received a letter from his son, Corp. Jack Faulkner, also of the 18th, telling of the experience if that fighting battalion in the recent Somme battles. Corp. Faulkner has escaped so far without a scratch, although he was in the recent advance, when the 18th went “over the parapet” and a number of his chums were killed and wounded. To his mother and sisters he sends word he has secured a number of souvenirs and will send them home. He has lots of German coins, a helmet and other articles. Corp. Faulkner has just passed his 18th Birthday.

Source: The London Free Press. October 7, 1916. Via Allan Miller via Facebook.


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