Thompson, James Stuart: Service no. 3130576

Digitized Service Record

Source: Per email with news clipping from Jim Kelly.


Walkerton Telescope, February 27, 1919, p1
Walkerton Telescope. February 27, 1919. Contributed by Jim Kelly.

Carrick Boy Returns

Among those who attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Frank Renni on Thursday last were Mr. James Thompson of Carrick and his son Pte. Stuart who arrived home from Overseas last week. Pte. Thompson enlisted in 1917 and saw several months service in France. He was wounded in the left hand at the battle of Cambria on October 11th one month before the signing of the armistice. While in France he was with the famous 18th Batt’n and became well aquainted with the several Walkerton boys who have [been] fighiting with that unit.

Walkerton Telescope. February 27, 1919. Contributed by Jim Kelly.


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