Taylor, John Thomas: Lieutenant

Digitized Service Record

Source: Duty ND page 282.


The Battalion continued training as per syllabi attached, appendix No. 13. Educational Classes carrying on as usual. During the Evening a Supper and entertainment was given by the N.C.O’s of the Battalion, Sergeants, Senior N.C.O’s and Warrant Officers being in attendance. Several guests, warrant Officers and Senior N.C.O’s from the other Battalions of the Brigade being present, also. Lt.-Colonel L.E. Jones and Lieut. C. Cook also were present. Lt.-Colonel Jones spoke during the evening, complimenting the N.C.O’s upon their fine efforts in the past, expressing his sincere appreciation of the splendid co-operation with the Officers of the Battalion. Entertainment for the evening was provided by talent from the Battalion. Lt. J.T. Taylor of “C” Coy delighted the gathering with several songs of great popularity,, giving the necessary colour and expression to the songs, as only Lieut. Taylor can do. His efforts were vociferously appreciated. Bandmaster Thomas’ efforts on the piano were also greatly appreciated. Other varieties of entertainment were Clog-Dancing, Fancy Dancing etc. Altogether the evening was one of enjoyment.

Source: 18th Battalion War Diary entry for January 13, 1919.

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