Ross, Elmer Abbott: Service no. 53187 (Distinguished Conduct Medal)

Digitized Service Record

Source: Per Sgt. Beadle service record notation on his promotion.


Author/Publisher of a series of 18th Battalion Memories, circa 1970.

Source: November 30, 1914. Windsor, Ontario. Via post 18th Battalion Facebook Group.

Sergts. Abbot Ross and Edward Clapp, of the 18th battalion, London, returned to London Monday Morning. They were in the city on military business and spent a day at their homes. Saturday night the sergeants of the Twenty-first regiment gave a social evening in their honor.

Source: November 30, 1914. Windsor, Ontario. Via post 18th Battalion Facebook Group.

Source: London Gazette. No. 30495. Page 1344. January 26, 1918.

Duty Nobly Done Pg. 163 First soldier to enlist. Distinguished Conduct Medal.

For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when two platoons were ordered to establish posts in the enemy’s line. Owing to very heavy shelling the party suffered several casualties, and he displayed fine leadership in keeping them under control and organizing them. After reaching the objective he took charge of a bombing party and advanced towards the enemy’s support line, clearing the dug-outs, and finally encountering vastly superior numbers. After the party had inflicted may casualties on the enemy he caused a barricade to be placed in the trench and held it until the newly occupied position was consolidated. To his initiative and fine leadership can be attributed much of the success of the operation.

Source: London Gazette. No. 30495. Page 1344. January 26, 1918.

Awarded for actions on October 22, 1917.

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